Logo pSolver pSolver


Reverse time evolution (from bottom to top)

Only changes since the first English version (version 4.0) are shown.

V 4.26 (12 September 2024)

Text type data correction

  • The correction of text type data, which are those whose value is written between quotation marks, is allowed.
  • Some minor errors in the list of activities associated with a statement have been corrected.

V 4.25 (23 April 2024)

Server changed to Github

  • The application server is moved to a Github page for speed reasons. https://jfcoronel.github.io/psolver_org/app
  • Added the name of the author (user) in the list of activities associated with a statement.
  • The click area for editing the general properties of a problem is expanded to the whole upper area, previously only the problem name was used.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.

V 4.24 (11 April 2024)

Component Lockout

  • The possibility of locking individual components by means of a check box has been added, thus preventing them from being modified or deleted unintentionally.
  • Fixed some minor bugs./li>

V 4.23 (18 March 2024)

A3 page format

  • A3 page size (portrait/landscape) is added to the properties of each of the problems.
  • The upper width limit on images and graphics is changed so that it can be greater than 100% on A3 or landscape pages.
  • Fixed some minor bugs./li>

V 4.22 (29 February 2024)

Landscape page format

  • Page orientation (portrait/landscape) is added to the properties of each of the problems.
  • The page setup of the problem list is stored so that it does not change when returning to the list from the problems.
  • Fixed some minor bugs.

V 4.21 (24 January 2024)

Errors in copying statements

  • Standard users (students) are not allowed to copy statements, only teachers are allowed to do so.
  • Problems that are statements are removed from the list of activities linked to a statement. Preventing the statement itself and any copy of it from appearing.

V 4.20 (17 January 2024)

Types of users: Students and Teachers.

  • Two different types of users are established for the application: Standard (student) and Teacher. The difference is that only Teacher type users will be able to create "Statements".
  • The value of the maximum number of problems is changed to 50 for standard users and 250 for teachers.
  • El número máximo de problemas se muestra en la información general del usuario.
  • The maximum number of problems is shown in the user's general information.
  • The creation of a new activity is done via a separate button from the copy problem button.
  • Teachers can edit student activities, even if they are already submitted
  • Links to images in Google Drive are changed, due to a problem with direct links from google drive that was detected as of 11 January 2014 (https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/319531488?pli=1).

V 4.13 (5 December 2023)

Redefining, simplifying and reordering

  • Rearrangement of the button bar, left back arrow, separation between edit and resolution buttons.
  • Clicking on IDs copies their value to the clipboard.
  • Problem types are redefined: "Regular", "Statement", "Activity". To create a statement (previously called "Teacher activity") a regular problem will be created and in its properties the "Statement" check is used. It is therefore possible to switch between regular problem and statement.
  • "Activities" formerly called "Student Activity" are created by copying a statement.
  • In the statements the id of the correct problem or solution problem is stored.
  • In the list of activities linked to a statement, some errors are corrected and the export to CSV and the personalised configuration of the pagination are added. In addition, the number of correct, incorrect and not found are separated into columns.
  • he quick messages disappear all by time, some of them stayed when an error occurred.
  • In the unknowns the unit change is shown even if the unknown is not yet calculated.

V 4.12 (30 October 2023)

Correction of problems with tolerance

  • In correction by comparison of problems, the values are considered correct when the error is less than 0.1%. In case the correct value is 0, the user value must be less than 1e-9. It does not perform correction of the string used for the unit.
  • When trying to solve a problem where one of its active components has an error, the program will display an informational message and suspend the resolution.

V 4.11 (19 September 2023)

Improving quick editing

  • The responsiveness of quick editing (double-click) of data, unknowns and equations is improved.
  • A link to the "Documentation" is added to the top area of the registration screen and the problem list.

V 4.10 (11 September 2023)

Improving section management

  • Global sections: the components of these sections will be used in all other sections of the problem.
  • Correction by comparison can already be used in problems with sections.
  • Possibility to make problems "private", private problems cannot be viewed or copied.
  • New filter by type of problem: "normal", "activity as teacher", "activity as student".
  • The language change can only be made on the initial registration screen.
  • Fixed error in solving problems with data equal to "?".
  • Error correction in the tables placed in sections.
  • Fixed error in some messages after translation into English.

V 4.00 (12 July 2023)

Name change, we are now Logo pSolver pSolver

  • Change of name and logo. New name pSolver, new website http://psolver.org
  • First English version of the application. The user can choose between the English or the Spanish version.
  • Multiple components are selected by pressing ctrl/cmd and dragging the mouse. A box with a dashed border will be shown.
  • In the text we can insert equations in the same format used by the application, surrounding them with $$.
  • It is now possible to use incompressible fluid names in string type data. http://www.coolprop.org/fluid_properties/Incompressibles.html
  • The gamma function (Euler's Gamma, a generalisation of the factorial) is removed, in order to be able to use gamma as a variable.
  • The tabular view can be sorted by sections.
  • You can click inside the quick edit boxes to change the cursor position.

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